GET /news

This is a public query for FIRST News. It is not a replacement of the RSS syndication, but a simple way of fetching the same news information using the API standards.

No additional credentials are required to access this information. Due to the nature of this data, the API limits apply (the maximum allowed resultset is 10,000 objects. Use time-based pagination to fetch smaller datasets.

Repository Endpoint URL Credentials
FIRST API v1 Public

Additional Parameters

These parameters may also be added to the query string to filter the results:

Parameter Type Description
channel string Title of the news channel the news should be listed on. Each news item may be linked to more than one News Channel. See GET /channels.
link string News item URL. Items published at FIRST website do not contain the domain name.
before datetime ISO 8601 Formatted date. Returns only news older than the input. If the timezone is not specificed, it'll be considered UTC.
after datetime ISO 8601 Formatted date. Returns only news newer than the input. If the timezone is not specificed, it'll be considered UTC.
q string Free text search at the news title, summary and URL.


Since this is a public query with a large potential dataset, the Excel format (.xlsx extension) is disabled.


There are no additional scopes listed for this query.

Preview (GET /news/id)

Previewing the news item (also fetches contents and the channels the news item was published) is enabled, by adding the id of the news item to the request pathname:

curl -X GET ""


The response contains a list of news items, similar to what you'd find in a RSS feed. Remember to encode the channel title:

curl -X GET ""
    "status": "OK",
    "status-code": 200,
    "version": "1",
    "last-modified": "Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:42:31 GMT",
    "total": 249,
    "limit": 3,
    "offset": 0,
    "access": "public",
    "data": [
            "id": 40558,
            "title": "FIRST calls for participants for a new Special Interest Group (SIG) on Malware Analysis",
            "summary": "Forum invites stakeholders to get involved in sharing best practice to mitigate malware incidents.",
            "link": "",
            "published": "Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:54:00 GMT"
            "id": 40557,
            "title": "28th Annual FIRST Conference in Seoul",
            "summary": "The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), a recognized global leader in incident response has successfully finished its 28th Annual Conference, which takes place this June (12th – 18th) in Seoul, South Korea. Co-hosted by the MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning), KISA (Korea Internet Security Agency) and KrCERT/CC, the conference was held at Conrad Seoul.",
            "link": "",
            "published": "Thu, 30 Jun 2016 19:41:00 GMT"
            "id": 40550,
            "title": "South Korea’s Adviser in Cyber Security to open 28th Annual FIRST Conference in Seoul",
            "summary": "The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), a recognized global leader in incident response, has announced the line-up for its 28th Annual Conference, which takes place this June (12th – 18th) in Seoul, South Korea.",
            "link": "",
            "published": "Tue, 17 May 2016 22:00:00 GMT"

The preview information of the first item of the above query:

curl -X GET ""
    "status": "OK",
    "status-code": 200,
    "version": "1",
    "last-modified": "Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:58:35 GMT",
    "access": "public",
    "data": {
        "id": 40558,
        "title": "FIRST calls for participants for a new Special Interest Group (SIG) on Malware Analysis",
        "summary": "Forum invites stakeholders to get involved in sharing best practice to mitigate malware incidents.",
        "link": "",
        "content": "<p><strong>Forum invites stakeholders to get involved in sharing best practice to mitigate malware incidents</strong></p>\r\n<p><strong>11th July 2016</strong> – The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is calling on members of the incident response, anti-malware, and IT security communities to join forces and participate in a new Special Interest Group (SIG) on Malware Analysis.</p>\r\n<p>The new SIG will bring together a multi-stakeholder, cross-industry group to develop a common set of best practices for managing and investigating malware incidents. Topics will include detection and prioritization of malware infections through anomaly detection, dynamic and static analysis, and clustering of malware samples, as well as mitigation and response techniques.</p>\r\n<p>Maarten Van Horenbeeck, co-chair of the SIG, said: <em>&quot;A major issue in dealing with malware incidents is that we don’t always know how to prioritize them. Technical solutions can easily get rid of an infection, but they don’t always give an organization confidence that the wider threat, whether it is a sophisticated and persistent attack, or a case of ransomware, has been properly addressed. FIRST will bring together the practitioner community to develop best practices to help organizations deal with all aspects of malicious code.”</em></p>\r\n<p>Margrete Raaum, President of FIRST, added: <em>&quot;Malware has been a long-standing issue for our community. While technical solutions exist, they work best when combined with processes and procedures to investigate and prioritize infections. FIRST aims to bring together our community of experts to document best practices and. FIRST’s goal is that all incident response teams have access to the best technical solutions available – whatever their size and whatever their expertise.&quot;</em></p>\r\n<p>FIRST is seeking participants from key stakeholder communities, such as government, enterprise, academia and in particular the anti-malware and patch management industries, as well as the wider security community, who are willing to champion and exchange their views on malware response best practices within the group. FIRST membership is not required to participate. To register your interest, please contact FIRST at <a href=\"\"></a>. For more about FIRST Special Interest Groups, visit <a href=\"\"></a>.</p> \r\n<h3>About FIRST</h3>\r\n<p>Founded in 1990, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is made up of internet security teams from more than 350 corporations, government bodies, universities and other institutions across 76 countries. Its goal is to promote cooperation and information-sharing among computer security incident response teams through events, training and education, and working groups. For more information, visit: <a href=\"\"></a>.</p><hr style=\"width:50%;float:left\" />\r\n<h4 style=\"clear:both\">MEDIA CONTACTS</h4>\r\n<p>Harry Saunders or Janine Maxwell<br />\r\n\tFour Communications\r\n<br />Tel: +44 (0)20 3697 4329 or +44 (0)20 3697 4351\r\n<br />Email: <a href=\"\"></a> or <a href=\"\"></a></p>\r\n<br />\r\n<hr/>\r\n<p>Please download the full release at <a href=\"\">first-press-release-20160711.pdf</a>.</p>",
        "channels": [
            "FIRST Newsroom",
            "Press Releases",
            "What's New"
        "published": "Mon, 11 Jul 2016 18:54:00 GMT"